Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The bottom bit is a playfair cipher ;)

I cannot describe to the extent to which my interest in history (ancient) and codes and puzzles rules my life. I just have the feeling though, that my inability to concentrate is going to hinder my ability to learn about the preaforementioned subjects. Although, in the past, I have been able to switch my brain on if the topic was of great interest to me, I hope that this is the case when the opportunity to learn about these things presents itself to me. I hope in all my wisdom of sixteen years, I am right about this. By the way, I recommend wholeheartedly that if you are the same as me in this aspect, you read Matthew Reilly's books "Seven Ancient Wonders" and "Six Sacred Stones". By the way Olivia, the clue is: The instrument I play. HN WZ ZI PA XD KO WO PL.

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