Wednesday, 20 April 2011

I just took a look at a friends Tumblr and I was just like: "WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW OMFG OMFG LIKE WOWOW this is amazing, like you can't even fathom the coolness of this person and their Tumblr. Even me with my blibber blabber tongue cannot find the words to express how life alteringly cool this was. I attempted to tell them and I just came off sounding retarded, (a rare occasion indeed) and I got lost for words. I also got lost in her Tumblr, something which would make anyone's life better just by having a passing glance. Her and her Tumblr are possibly THE coolest things on this planet, in existence, now or in the future. I am actually struggling to find out how to make anyone who reads this understand to the extent to which this is cool. If you do read this, just take my word for it, much easier than trying to explain.

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