Thursday, 28 April 2011

MY Opinion

I need to rant, my parents think because I have an opinion that I am a smart arse, that because I am smart, that suddenly, knowledge is useles without experience. They prize experience above all else as it is the only thing they posses which I do not. Everything I say is not valid as I am only 16 years old, and I can guarantee you that if I was older, I would be taken seriously, the one thing I hate above all else, is when people underestimate children. Sure, experience is priceless and extremely valuble, but experience without knowledge is even more dangerous than knowledge without experience, I try to tell them this, and other opinions I hold, but NO, their opinions are the only ones, they are right I am wrong, always, no matter the topic, they don't waste their time listening to the blabber of a 16 year old, I do not have freedom of speech in my household. They have,through all their supposed acts for my well being, have taught me only one thing: in this world, as a youth, nothing you do, no opinion you have, no knowledge you posses will be trusted or accepted by the older generations, because I don't have experience.

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