Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Cheese, Food, Bread, Onions.

Well, Hello once again world (and by world I mean the vast minority of people who read this, hmmmm, let's go through them to see how many there are, and even these people do not read this regularly, merely have read it in the past, they are, from memory, Alexandra, Hugh, Olivia, Garrett, Caitlin, and Maddie, if I have forgotten anyone, no worries, no one will notice as no one will read this often enough)I am here to fill up your day with my brilliance and opinion, which, actually, I have none of at the moment, I merely wanted to write something, and this is that, and so, I am off, sorry to leave you all (and by all I mean no one) with nothing, but actually, nothing is not nothing as you might think it is in this situation, nothing is normally the absence of everything, and I have left you with something, even though that something has nothing of substance in it, it still remains there and so is not nothing, but something, I hope you enjoy my something.

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